The Sanford Family

Howard Harmon Connor talks about his grandmother, a member of the Sanford Family (1.5 minutes)

AHERN: Tell me a little bit about your grandmother. She was a Sanford?

CONNER: She was a Sanford. Sanford was an old family here. Lash Sanford was her brother. Manie Sanford was her brother. Dave Sanford were all her brothers. Her parents had a hotel down in Stillwater years ago, and her father got killed when a team of horses run away with the buggy, and Grandma Sanford moved to town and lived in town for the rest of her life. She came through here originally on wagon trains across the desert out here. It was out here at Ragtown, and then she was also over at Fort Churchill and took care of the soldiers when they had a smallpox outbreak over there, but she was too wiry to get the disease and she kept going.

AHERN: Was she a nurse, or was she just helping out?

CONNER: No, just helping out.